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Power Play
J.M. Snyder
In Your Name
Look Who's Back
Timur Vermes

A Beacon In The Dark by ZairaA, crimsonwirls

A Beacon In The Dark - ZairaA,  crimsonwirls

This might be one of the best fanfics I've read of this pairing, maybe even the best. As far as AUs go (I usually prefer fics that are canon) it was fucking brilliant.

Admittedly, there are a few inconsistencies here and there: considering that Merlin's case is a high profile case and therefore should logically be under high public scrutiny I really can't see much of that. Merlin's face should be plastererd all over the media, considering he is the murder suspect of a (mostly) highly appreciated member of the government, but apperently that isn't a problem seeig that Merlin can go shopping and the like without being recognised.


I would expect the public and the media to be in quite some uproar when Arthur manages to get Merlin (a sorcerer!) out on bail - a thing that is unheard of, even considererd unthinkable and hasn't happended ever before. And while reporters were in fact present when the judge granted that particular stunt--Merlin being allowed out on bail on condition of staying at Arthur's (who is, at least from the public's POV, nothing more than Merlin's lawyer)--never once did they besiege Arthur's house. One would think that that was the story of the year, that all reporters would kill to get there hands on juicy stuff like this, but nuh uh, nada.

(show spoiler)



BUT, even though my review might have you thinking otherwise,this was totally worth it. Considering the fact that I any plots featuring a hustler aren't usually the books I go for, this one was bloody great. I really love the charcterisation and character development, even the writing despite the present tense. Really recommended to all and any readers out there who love a good book. And this one is even free, and best, even those who aren't familiar with the TV series "Merlin" can read this fic, it really doesn't necessarily require any background knowledge.