I ❤ reading. Once started I don't seem to be able to stop. Many sleepless nights are the result of that particular addiction.^^
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Twice. As of today the number 2 is my very worst enemy. Right after the word monday. Mondays suck.. hard!
Today, I did not only not earn money at work, going to work actually cost me 16€.. Yeah. FML.
When going to work this morning by train I had the fortunate encounter with a ticket inspector. "Not a problem!", I thought. At first... It turned out to be a problem, after all.
The frantic search for my student identity card (which is also my ticket) turned out to be in vain, since I, apparently, had lost the fucker sometime during my escapades this weekend. That got me a nice finein the amount of 40€. (Even though I possess a perfectly valid student ticket.) Awesome.^^
What are the odds of being controlled again 8 hours later on your way back home? Small, non existent, in fact, right?. I thought...
With no cash for a ticket but the need to ride the train again back home I decided to take my chances...
AND then, there he was. The enemy. The 2nd ticket inspector followed by the 2nd explanation that I actually have a student ticket which I had unfortunatelyl lost. The 2nd fine in the amount of 40€. FML, twice!