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Power Play
J.M. Snyder
In Your Name
Look Who's Back
Timur Vermes


Psychologie - Detlef Fetchenhauer Even my psychology textbook can be found on GR. lol

But. For a textbook this was great fun to read - easy, understandable and lots of interesting examples.

And I can't believe that I'm saying this: I actually recommend this to people who are interested in the human nature vs. nurture debate, who want to understand how thinking, feelings and behaviour correlate & how evolutionary, social scientific or even economic explanations come into play here. If you prefer a bit more of a valid/scientific approach over run-of-the-mill, and little profound literature about the human nature and simultaneously want to avoid dry or boring material - this is it.
Keep in mind though that this is "just" a (400+ pages long) introduction to psychology -- therefore some areas might be less detailed than the one or other reader would like.

Very enjoyable and even funny at times. No prior knowledge needed.

Now let's only hope that my enthusiasm while reading this (multiple times) will reflect on my mark of today's exam. :'P