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Power Play
J.M. Snyder
In Your Name
Look Who's Back
Timur Vermes

Bare-Knuckle Love

Bare-Knuckle Love (biker gay dark erotic romance) (Rabid Mongrels MC Book 1) - K.A. Merikan I hate to give a low ranking for a story that was bestowed on me by the lovely DRitC-event and some very awesome writers who took a prompt by someone of the community and told their story.

But. This was absolutely not to my taste. I know that this is supposed to be rough and bloody and violent. But this is not a love story, not even if you squint. There isn't any romance or even believable, sexy lust to be found here. Nada.

The "tough" guy Jason is a fighter/boxer who seemingly has no concept of self control, no self-preservation instinct or self-confidence. What he has though: the uncanny "ability" to immediately drool and slobber when confronted with a dick - like Pavlov's dog when hearing the bell.

So, you're being held and constrained by the local MC who lost a lot of money because of you, you literally fear for you life, but the second that crotch of your oh-so-sexy captor comes near your face you can't help but take a sniff and be turned the hell on all the way to Mars. When said cock is whipped out the first thing that comes to mind in that kind of situation is to mewl like a frigging bitch and and beg to suck that delicious cock, because you have no brains, only that all-consuming need to fuck and suck... Yeah. Right.

I'm sorry, but no. It doesn't help that he never once in that book grows a spine or some dignity. His mere existence seems to serve one purpose: be a hole, begging to be filled. We get bits and pieces of his background that are supposed to show us that he's broken and had a shitty childhood - oh, and he loves dogs.

I don't buy the "chemistry" between Jason (the pussy) and Hyde (MC president and bad boy, adoring father who's secretly living in a "gay living community") at all.

Not to mention that there are all kinds of plotholes. Like being the secretly gay MC president, who takes the "captive" Jason (the crazy mofo fighter) home to his secret living arrangements, to his son, and consequently giving Jason all kinds of leverage to get out of his predicament. Not that Jason ever connects these dots to get out of his predicament. Because there might be future sex on the table.

Well. So, you see, I'm sorry. All the kudos in the world to these two author for taking an active part in this awesome event. Really. But this wasn't for me. Although evidently, there are many readers who liked this story, so there's that.