3.5 stars
Yes. I did read this anyway. Despite what I said in my review of book #1. But goddammit, I paid for the book. Also, I was a bit in a book slump, which helped to convince me...
So yeah, this was actually better than the 1st book, even despite all of the m/m romance clichés in the world.
Yep, even inlcuding the famous hospital scene & subsequent coming-out via leaked "gay photos" to the press... I'm not even kidding.
But I've got to admit that while this book certainly reminded me quite a lot of those books I read back in the day when m/m romance was still new and shiny (which, most of the time, isn't actually a good thing, as certain people,
cough, know all too well & would agree to, too^^), this actually managed to do so in a positive manner..?
Well, it kinda brought me back to the good(ish) old days, as opposed to those that lead to some extreme eye-rolling on my part... (Although, some eye-rolling couldn't be prevented despite my efforts. Some parts were simply too clichéd, I guess.)
Nevertheless, I kinda really enjoyed the book. Maybe because I already knew Jamie and Wes & the 2nd time around I found myself thinking they were rather a charming couple? Idk & Idc, really.
Oh, this time I can even, with quite some certainty, recall a favourite quote. Ha.
"Shaking hands with someone who works on infectious diseases seems a little sketchy to me, but I do it anyway." Because. This is
so me! Kinda a personal insider. LOL.
Anyway. Enjoyed the book enough to generously round up to 4 stars.