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I ❤ reading. Once started I don't seem to be able to stop. Many sleepless nights are the result of that particular addiction.^^ 

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Power Play
J.M. Snyder
In Your Name
Look Who's Back
Timur Vermes

Ten in the Bin

Ten in the Bin - N.R. Walker This was just.. Meh. Lacking in every single area. The only reason I managed to finish this at all is because it was, fortunately, a very short read.

I really don't get what the appeal is here.
There's no substance, no plot (or maybe a very, very flat one.. if you squint, that is). Instead there are characters seemingly with no personality at all. Duh.
The writing is not exactly bad per se, but it's far from good.

I know, a one star rating is harsh. You could probably argue that a non-plot is better than one that you detest -- which, true or not, is why I'm bumping it up to 1.5 stars. But, all in all, I can't help it, this was a total miss and a major waste of time for me.