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I ❤ reading. Once started I don't seem to be able to stop. Many sleepless nights are the result of that particular addiction.^^ 

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Currently reading

Power Play
J.M. Snyder
In Your Name
Look Who's Back
Timur Vermes

You're a Dream to Me

You're a Dream to Me - lady_ragnell Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/514635

1.5 stars
Nothing more than a Sterek-y changed, short recap (yes, recap) of the first two - three Teen Wolf seasons for the better part of the story. Since I've already watched those this read was boring as hell, even despite the added "Derek-and-Stiles-are-mates plotline"....
And if you haven't watched the seasons? I wouldn't recommend this either because I doubt that you could follow that recap properly without having followed the series (or at least having read a shitload of sterek fics and therefore gained the basics of TW this way)...