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Power Play
J.M. Snyder
In Your Name
Look Who's Back
Timur Vermes

ePistols at Dawn

ePistols at Dawn - Z.A. Maxfield 2.5 starsThis is a tough one to rate... It was slow paced and kind of boring at times, but it also managed to make me smile now and then.It was not an entirely boring or bad read, but nevertheless, it didn't really manage to capture my interest all that much. I didn't feel the urge to read the book in order to find out what happens next, what will happen to those two MCs. I just wasn't caught up in this book. Jae and Kelly were, on some level, interesting characters, well, interesting enough, at least. I liked the fact that Kelly suffered from OCD, it was a good idea--attempt--,but it lacked believability at times. In my opinion, the research (by the author) on that topic fell a bit flat.And it's more or less the same with Jae's asthma: One time he's running like hell after Kelly and his ever-present sidekick Will which leads to "the worst asthma attack Jae has had for a very long time". So far, so good. Not quite realistic, however, is that Jae, while practically choking, can still have a conversation with Kelly at the same time. Well...There were some other things that weren't quite believable or that bothered me, but I won't list them all here. The ones above are enough. ;)It was a nice enough read and I can't really say that I didn't like the characters or the plot itself, but the book never really was engaging enough. I can't really say why, but it just wasn't my thing. There wasn't enough thrill, I guess.