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I ❤ reading. Once started I don't seem to be able to stop. Many sleepless nights are the result of that particular addiction.^^ 

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Power Play
J.M. Snyder
In Your Name
Look Who's Back
Timur Vermes

Maybe With a Chance of Certainty (Tales of Foster High)

Maybe With a Chance of Certainty (Tales of Foster High #1) - John  Goode Very sweet story. 3.75 stars.Love the 1st person POV. For as long as I can think of I tried to steer clear of 1st person narration. I didn't like it. That changed when there was a book that I totally wanted to read, but which was, unfortunately, at that time, written in 1st person. (In case anyone is wondering: The book I'm refering to is Darkly Dreaming Dexter.) Ever since I've started to read all the books that I had avoided until then. And I started to love it. This book is a really good example of it: Using the 1st person POV gives the author the great possibility to animate the character, to give him soul, a voice - might that be whiny or sarcastic or funny or overly dramatic. John Goode created a very witty character with Kyle. I really liked the metaphorical and figurative language and the comparisons. [OK, well, the metaphors with the car were a bit too much after some time, although they were very fitting, but what can I say.. girls and cars, right?.. ;)]