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I ❤ reading. Once started I don't seem to be able to stop. Many sleepless nights are the result of that particular addiction.^^ 

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Currently reading

Power Play
J.M. Snyder
In Your Name
Look Who's Back
Timur Vermes

Fearless Leader

Fearless Leader - Tricia Owens Turns out I was wrong. This wasn't all that enjoyable after all. The only positive thing I can say about this book at this point is: it was free...

I've had no compassion for one of the MCs--Starr, the empath--at all. Like, I thought I'd warm up to his character at some point, but actually ended up being totally annoyed by him. Couldn't empathise--ha, the irony--with him at all. Didn't care about what happened to him.
Him being a manipulative, snappy, provocative bastard, who calls everybody "sweetheart" (whether the situation merits it or not) grated on my nerves like hell. Yes, I get that he's supposedly acting like this for self-defense mechansism reason, but noooope.

So, cliffhanger und unfinished first book in a series with no resolution of the plot aside, not gonna pick up book numero due.

ETA: on a side note:
"Black closed his eyes; feeling the sun upon his face as he considered the golden-haired lieutenant."

The 3rd person POV in this book switches from character to character, but nonetheless, to me it reflects the thoughts of the respective character.
So, when I read sth. like the example above all I can think about (while cringing) is: does anyone really talk/think like this, like ever?!
So, the guy is blonde. Yep, got that. What is it with authors and referring to people by their age/build/hair-/eye-colour? the golden-haired lieutenant, the older man,..... Hint: there are pronouns for a reason.

And then not stopping at blonde, no, because it's golden hair, ya know, big diff. *rolls eyes*