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I ❤ reading. Once started I don't seem to be able to stop. Many sleepless nights are the result of that particular addiction.^^ 

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Currently reading

Power Play
J.M. Snyder
In Your Name
Look Who's Back
Timur Vermes

All The King's Horses And All The King's Men

All The King's Horses And All The King's Men - QueenMegaera This is probably one of the best Merlin/Arthur "canon-verse" (meaning not "contemporary-AU") fanfic I've read so far. The characterisation is top notch, the story kept me reading all day without pausing, and I am a little bit sad that it's over already -- although this wasn't by far a short read.

A heads up though: There is no on page sex. Well, that little that is there doesn't really qualify..
But don't let this stop you, please. Because. Totally recommended.