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I ❤ reading. Once started I don't seem to be able to stop. Many sleepless nights are the result of that particular addiction.^^ 

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Power Play
J.M. Snyder
In Your Name
Look Who's Back
Timur Vermes


Take - Ella Frank I am sorry to say that this, like the first book in this series, had way, and I mean WAY too much on page sex. It is only that often that one can enjoy those in a book.
And after a 50 times it gets boring! (Well, even sooner than that.)

And even while I admit that I like the characters and see their potential and wish I could have gotten to know them better than this - and let's be clear, I've now read about 500 pages about these two MCs and feel like I've only read 40, at best, that actually hold more in depth information other than how they like to fuck and be fucked - this is fucking ludicrous.

I am not a fan of the cliff hanger the book ends with either.
I guess this is one way to get people hooked....