So. 3 stars on my part is rather a
generous rating, tbh.
Because saying I loved the book would definitely be a lie. Saying it was everything I expected, too.
Honestly, it was a lot more
meh and mediocre than the
wow (I mean, come on, Santino Hassell) that I was totally expecting.
Basically, soldier falls in love with gamer boy via internet while deported, soldier visits gamer boy after his final deployment and
lurve foreva happens. Some social anxiety and agoraphobia (gamer boy) and a no sufficient job prospects (soldier) thrown in as "problems" for good measure...
I was, unfortunately, bored... I'd be lying if I said I didn't skim a few pages here and there. Tbh, it was a right struggle to finish the book at the end there. I very nearly dnf it @75%...
I usually like Santino Hassell's work (the older stuff I loved), so I'm a bit disappointed by this particular book, if I'm honest. I don't think I'll be reading the sequels in this series, at this point. Shame.
0.99€ & 0.99$ on Amazon right now. (22/6/16)