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I ❤ reading. Once started I don't seem to be able to stop. Many sleepless nights are the result of that particular addiction.^^ 

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Currently reading

Power Play
J.M. Snyder
In Your Name
Look Who's Back
Timur Vermes


Blush - seventhswan Blurb:
I met Jackson Hart on a Wednesday, which coincidentally was the day that he was dumped by 12pm, drunk by 2pm, sober by 6pm, and sleeping in my bed by 2am. It was an interesting day for the both of us.

— NTS: WIP, probably forever

The Island

The Island - Lisa Henry 3-4 stars.
I just can't make up my mind between those two ratings.

So on the one hand, I liked it, I was engrossed, I couldn't stop reading.

On the other hand, I've had a hard time seeing romance-y feelings between Shaw and Lee. Imagining them as a couple.

I guess I have to think about it some more..

Head Games

Head Games - veterization Re-read and re-rated, because this is oh so delicious(ly wrong). So, rating upped by one star.

Stiles takes a moment to pull back and glance at his phone. The screen doesn't say "unknown." It says, very clearly, Peter, a name and number he most definitely did not program in himself. [...]

"When did you have my phone?" Stiles grits out. Sometimes he feels like talking to Peter is like dealing with a child. A morbid, bloodthirsty child that has the capability to eat him as lunch.

"It was lying on your desk in plain sight without password protection," Peter says, like that justifies it. It's definitely rapist logic.

First read on 15/03/2015 and rated 3 stars

In the Arcade

In the Arcade - nikkithedead 2.5 stars maybe.. (at most...)

a bit too much tell and too little show in the narrative..

one to many fics I've recently read that suffered from this particular "affliction", which is maybe why I'm in a less generous mood right now, especially considering that this is only fanfiction.

but still.

oh yeah. and don't get me started on the "kink/bdsm". lol. because there is none. the only thing a little bit "kinky" was the little cross-dressing scene, if you squint.

More Than Anything

More Than Anything - T.T. Kove 3.5 stars

Strong Signal

Strong Signal - Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell So. 3 stars on my part is rather a generous rating, tbh.

Because saying I loved the book would definitely be a lie. Saying it was everything I expected, too.
Honestly, it was a lot more meh and mediocre than the wow (I mean, come on, Santino Hassell) that I was totally expecting.

Basically, soldier falls in love with gamer boy via internet while deported, soldier visits gamer boy after his final deployment and lurve foreva happens. Some social anxiety and agoraphobia (gamer boy) and a no sufficient job prospects (soldier) thrown in as "problems" for good measure...

I was, unfortunately, bored... I'd be lying if I said I didn't skim a few pages here and there. Tbh, it was a right struggle to finish the book at the end there. I very nearly dnf it @75%...

I usually like Santino Hassell's work (the older stuff I loved), so I'm a bit disappointed by this particular book, if I'm honest. I don't think I'll be reading the sequels in this series, at this point. Shame.

0.99€ & 0.99$ on Amazon right now. (22/6/16)

Annus Mirabilis

Annus Mirabilis - Ren (AO3) 3.5 stars

Hug Therapy

Hug Therapy - Astolat 3.5 stars

Basically, what julio said.

Fun while it lasted, certainly.

Redemption Merry Go-Round

Redemption Merry Go-Round - Astolat This pairing--Dan/Lucifer to be exact--has a lot of promise, that's for sure.
I'm quite intrigued. And totally looking forward to more works featuring this pairing.

Sadly, as of yet, there isn't really much out there in regard to Dan and Lucifer getting it on (compared to the more popular Chloe/Lucifer fanfics)...

Rarely Pure and Never Simple

Rarely Pure and Never Simple - birdsofshore 3.5 stars

Within These Walls

Within These Walls - Sara Holmes unusual pairing... kinda refreshing.

but really well done.

Sutphin Boulevard

Sutphin Boulevard - Santino Hassell 4.5 stars
This has been the first book not being of the fanfiction variety that I've read in a (very) long time, and I wasn't disappointed!
Totally loved Michael and especially Nunzio to pieces.
Even though it may have been a bit too heavy on the drama here and there (for me at least), this was a totally enjoyable, heart-breaking story of finding oneself, battling inner demons, love and hope.
Definitely a new favourite!

wow, bought for 0,41€ on amazon. 17/4/16


Onslaught - Zeitgeistic re-read 6/6/16

Gag Order (Gag Order, #1)

Gag Order (Gag Order, #1) - jonius_belonius 3.5 stars

Stalking Harry

Stalking Harry - thusspakekate 2-3 stars


Potterella - VivacissimoVoce 3.5 stars